
Owning Your Confidence as New Parents When Others Have Opinions

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Last week on the blog, I talked to you about managing outside expectations on your family for the holiday season. If you’re wanting a quieter, simpler, more peaceful holiday season without the rushing around from this party to that dinner… First of all, I don’t blame you.  


Doing all that with a brand-new baby or even a toddler can sometimes just be way too much. Especially if you’re only doing it because you feel like it’s expected of you.


But also, I do realize that telling you to…

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Setting Boundaries as New Parents for a Peaceful Holiday Season

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Well, the holiday season is upon us.  Thanksgiving is a week away and I swear it sneaks up on me faster and faster every year.

The holidays can be stressful, chaotic, busy for everyone. This can be especially true for new moms.

I have couples tell me all the time how stressful the holiday season can be with a new baby at home. They share that they feel obligated to make the rounds.  

I always tell them that they don’t need to do that.

Reading this now, that response might seem ob…

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Weathering the Weather in this Season of Motherhood

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We’re officially within the bounds of “holiday season” by now. We survived the time change (how did that go for your little ones, by the way?). It’s getting darker way sooner than it was just weeks ago. And fall is transitioning into winter.


This time of year, the sun sets so early in the day and even when it’s out, you might not always see too much of it. Skies turn grey or overcast many days out of the season. Northern California, where I live, definitely tends to get more precipitati…

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6 Things to Never Say to Someone Who Has Lost a Baby (And What to Do Instead)

Trigger Warning:

This post deals with the common experiences and needs of moms who have lost a baby. If you have experienced a miscarriage or baby loss and the grief feels too raw for you right now, please honor how you’re feeling today and consider bookmarking this post for another day when you’re feeling stronger or more ready. 

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Last week, in honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, I wrote about some of the common threads experienced by moms who have miscarried or lost a ba…

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Miscarriage & Baby Loss: 7 Key Things You Need to Know

Trigger Warning:

This post deals with the common experiences of moms who have lost a baby. If you have experienced a miscarriage or baby loss and the grief feels too raw for you right now, please honor how you’re feeling today and consider bookmarking this post for another day when you’re feeling stronger or more ready. Or, simply skip the content and scroll to the bottom of this post to access the short list of support resources I have included for you.

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This Sunday (Oct. 15) is Pregnancy…

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How to Parent When Your Heart is Broken

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Parenthood is never easy, even when life seems perfect. And those times when life is not so perfect? Harder. And those times when loss, tragedy, or trauma happen? The hardest.


Lately, it’s hard to listen to the news and log onto social media. It seems like there’s a new natural disaster or political mess every single day. It’s starting to feel normal, even though we know nothing about any of this is or should be normal.  


With details about the Las Vegas Shooting coming out nearly a we…

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The Emotional Side of Potty Training

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Ugh, potty training. Am I right? It can be so challenging, and so stressful. For you AND for your little one.


I want to help you get through potty training a little more pleasantly (Is pleasant potty training a thing? OK, maybe not. But let’s at least make it a little less torturous, shall we?)


There are a lot of good articles all over the internet on HOW to potty train your child, so I’m not going to spend time saying the same things many experts have already done. My aim here inst…

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The Taboo of Having a Favorite Child


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When I was pregnant with my daughter (our second child), I distinctly remember being really worried that I would not be as in love with her as I was with my son (our first).  


In fact, my husband and I use to joke that we shouldn't have a second kid because he was so awesome and perfect--there was just no way our second could live up to that. “Our next kid would probably be a total nightmare,” we’d tease.  


OK, time-out!  I realize how t…

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Is There a Right Way to Celebrate Baby's First Birthday?

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This is not a post about how to plan a Pinterest-worthy, uniquely-themed first birthday party that will wow your guests and make impressive Instagram photos.  

I’m not going to talk about smash cakes, decorations, or party tutus. You can find plenty of that with just a quick Google search.

What I really want to talk about is WHY a baby’s first birthday is such a momentous day worth celebrating, and how to celebrate it in ways that honor that WHY.

To clarify: No, of course there’s not a r…

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Shifts & Starts: 3 Major Times Our Little Ones Change Up Our Routines

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I don’t know about you, but lately, my Facebook newsfeed is filled with adorable first-day-of-school photos.  


I love it. You can see the anticipation in their little faces and I completely understand what those moms and dads posting them must be feeling.


This time of year always makes me a bit reflective about transitions. And I can’t help but think about how parenthood is constantly insisting we grow right along with our kids.


Three major times of transition immediately come t…

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Shaping Perceptions of Racial Diversity in Babies, Toddlers & Young Children

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Quick--If you had to guess, when do you think our children first begin to notice racial differences?


You might guess that it begins in grade school, when kids are under more pressure to fit in or have had more time to absorb their parents’ perceptions and commentary on different races. But, you’d be wrong.  These concepts begin taking shape much, much earlier than that.


The truth is, these perceptions begin to form in infancy. Our babies and children are constantly taking mental not…

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Separation Anxiety & Stranger Danger: How to Get through it with Confidence & Empathy

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Has your baby or toddler hit the “separation anxiety” phase in their development yet?


Our littles can start feeling separation anxiety as early as 6 months and usually phases out by age 2, but the peak age range is 8-18 months. It usually looks like clinginess, tantrums or resistance to other caregivers. It often happens when mom or dad leaves the room for a moment, or during bedtime routines, or when a child is dropped off at a caregiver’s place.  What some people refer to as “stranger…

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How to Cope When Your Partner Has Postpartum Depression


What is it like as a dad or co-parent when your partner has Postpartum Depression or Anxiety?


Well, "difficult" would be an understatement. Imagine you and your partner have the baby you’ve always wanted, but mom is just not herself anymore and you don’t know how to make things better. It can feel helpless or hopeless. It can feel frustrating. You might feel angry or impulsive. Or worried or sad. Or numb. Or way too preoccupied with tending to her needs and feelings that you have no ide…

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3 Simple Steps to Quit Keeping Score in Your Parenting Relationship


Remember back when you had roommates and it was so easy to divvy up the chores list and make sure everyone paid their share of the bills? And if someone wasn’t pulling their weight, it was really clear, right? Everyone knew who the lame roommate was and a simple house meeting could nip it in the bud or that roommate would be finding a new place.


Or, remember back when you and your partner were just dating and you could easily split the bar tab or take turns taking each other out? Both o…

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New Dads: What is Your Role After Baby Arrives?


First-time dads, do you (or did you) ever feel like you’re unsure of what you’re supposed to even do in those first few weeks after bringing baby home?  

Do you (or did you) feel like you don’t even exist or that there’s not much reason for you to be around because the baby needs mom and mom is doing it all?


Every new parent will tell you that those first few weeks after the baby comes home are rough.  


We as a culture often focus on mom’s struggle during this transition. Even I sp…

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Securing Childcare: Questions to Ask to Get the Best Fit for Your Family

Finding childcare for your little ones can be an incredibly overwhelming thing for new parents--especially if you are bracing yourself to go back to work for the first time.  


There’s so much to think about just logistically: the research involved, phone calls to make, interviews to conduct, budgeting to figure out, and so on. And when you factor in all the emotions that come with it--The guilt! Oh, the guilt!--it can almost feel like too much to handle on top of everything else you alread…

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Summer Travel Plans? Keep Your Toddlers & Kids Occupied & Happy While Traveling with These Clever Ideas

Ah, summer travel… Second maybe only to the Christmas/Chanukah season, this is probably the most popular time for travel. Vacations are always worth it--it’s great family bonding and relaxation time for parents, and little ones always have a blast when experiencing new things. But, let’s be honest: the traveling to and from our incredible family vacations is not always so restful. Or even pleasant. Whether flying or driving, the challenges often the same--keeping our little ones content and …

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Creating Your Kid-Friendly Lifestyle: How to Work In All the Important Stuff from Boring Chores to Fave Hobbies

So often in my practice, I see women who are struggling with a loss of identity now that they're a mom. I also see many parents--both moms and dads--who feel like it just isn't feasible for them to continue certain activities. That it would be impossible for them to enjoy it, to focus, or do it the way they want to with a little one tagging along. It can feel very literally like a monkey on your back while you're trying to do your thing. Or, like you can't just lose yourself in the activity …

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Catherine O'Brien featured in PsychCentral's "Mothering Lessons" Article

Motherhood has a way of catalyzing change and growth. It's like the one great equalizer: Motherhood doesn't care if you're a so-called "expert" or not. We ALL struggle. And we all acquire our own set of mothering wisdom to share. 

This week, I had the pleasure of being featured in PsychCentral's article, "Women Reveal the Biggest Lessons Mothering Has Taught Them." I'd love it if you'd check it out. Then, share your own wise mothering lessons in the comments below!



Sign up …

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Slow Down For Summer: Being Present with your Family without the Guilt

Fourth of July weekend will soon be upon us.  

This is a popular time for many of us to make lasting memories from barbecues to fireworks. For my family, this is typically vacation time and we all look forward to it every year.  


It is with this in mind that I want to talk about the importance of slowing down and just being present with our families. So easily, our lives can become a rapid pace of go-go-go. There’s school and work and extracurriculars and birthday parties. (Don’t even get…

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Dads Who Are Rocking at Parenting

First, a disclaimer: Some moms or birth parents choose to be single parents and others don’t get much choice in the matter. This post is absolutely not intended to discredit, cast judgment, or make any single mother or birth parent feel bad about their circumstances or decisions. I strongly believe that we as parents are the best-qualified people to make the right choices for us and our families and sometimes that means doing it without a partner. Single parents, whether by choice or chance,…

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Ways Dad Can Help Out in the First Weeks of Parenthood and Why Mom Should Let Him

Father's Day is just days away, so in honor of all the World's Best Dads everywhere, I thought I'd share my best tips for new dads (and parenting partners) so that you can come into your own as a daddy. I think it's often assumed that dads will just step up after the baby arrives (and more often than not, YOU DO!), but we all say it so casually--as if it isn't just as disorienting, confusing, challenging, or exhausting for dad as it is for moms. 

That really isn't fair, is it? 

Babies don'…

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Catherine O'Brien, LMFT featured on "The Family Couch" Podcast

Parents and Parents-to-be, this is so good: Catherine O'Brien, LMFT was featured on the podcast "The Family Couch", hosted by Mercedes Samudio, LCSW. In it, they discuss what surprised Catherine the most when she first became a mom, how to make sure both parents are connecting with baby (and with each other) and feel supported and empowered, and they even take on the "mommy wars" hot-button issue to help moms move past the judgment and guilt. Catherine gives the top three questions she asks ev…

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Guest Blog: Simplify Your Life So You Can Focus on Family




Parenting in the modern world is unnecessarily cluttered with distractions and multitasking. Unfortunately–despite all the current advances and technology of our time–no one has yet to invent the SuperMom pill. (Don’t worry, I’m working on it.) So, in the meantime, you have to prioritize with intention, or the important things (people) will become neglected and…well…less important. Please, read on if you interested in some ideas on how to simplify your li…

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Momma Interviews "Expert Edition" featuring Alicia Taverner

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, so I've relaunched my "Momma Interviews" series--This time with an extra special set of moms. These mommas also work to support other moms and their families during the transition into new parenthood and beyond. I'm calling it the "Expert Edition," but I think you'll find that while these women definitely are experts in their work, parenthood has a way of making a beginner out of everybody. Even experts get surprised by the unexpected and learn …

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Momma Interviews "Expert Edition" featuring Rebekah Fedrowitz

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, so I've relaunched my "Momma Interviews" series--This time with an extra special set of moms. These mommas also work to support other moms and their families during the transition into new parenthood and beyond. I'm calling it the "Expert Edition", but I think you'll find that while these women definitely are experts in their work, parenthood has a way of making a beginner out of everybody. Even experts get surprised by the unexpected and learn …

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Guest Blog: Caring for Your Parents and Your Babies: What I Learned During My Son’s First Year

Written by Kate Turza

When my son was 10 months old, I found out I was pregnant with our second child. So, like most young families, we made the decision to move out of our “starter house” and into our “forever house." Finally, when my second was 5 months old we moved into our “forever” home. Life was good. Two babies, beautiful house, happy mom & dad.  

A couple weeks after moving into our house, my father (who had been living with Multiple Sclerosis for almost 30 years) went in for a routine…

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Momma Interviews "Expert Edition" featuring Cassie Owens, LPC

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, so I've relaunched my "Momma Interviews" series--This time with an extra special set of moms. These mommas also work to support other moms and their families during the transition into new parenthood and beyond. I'm calling it the "Expert Edition", but I think you'll find that while these women definitely are experts in their work, parenthood has a way of making a beginner out of everybody. Even experts get surprised by the unexpected and learn …

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Momma Interviews "Expert Edition" featuring Jo Muirhead

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, so I've relaunched my "Momma Interviews" series--This time with an extra special set of moms. These mommas also work to support other moms and their families during the transition into new parenthood and beyond. I'm calling it the "Expert Edition," but I think you'll find that while these women definitely are experts in their work, parenthood has a way of making a beginner out of everybody. Even experts get surprised by the unexpected and learn …

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Guest Blog: 5 Considerations to Safeguard Against Postpartum Depression

Written by Brittni Fudge, MA, LPC, NCC

Up to 20% of pregnant and new moms will experience some form of anxiety or mood disorder. This is a staggering number—especially considering these statistics are gathered based only on what women report.  Due to the stigma around mental health, many women don’t report their depression or anxiety to healthcare professionals, so it’s likely that that number is higher.



Pregnant moms often ask me if there’s anything they can do to prevent postpart…

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Momma Interviews "Expert Edition" featuring Lindsay Lipton Gerszt

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, so I've relaunched my "Momma Interviews" series--This time with an extra special set of moms. These mommas also work to support other moms and their families during the transition into new parenthood and beyond. I'm calling it the "Expert Edition", but I think you'll find that while these women definitely are experts in their work, parenthood has a way of making a beginner out of everybody. Even experts get surprised by the unexpected and learn …

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Momma Interviews "Expert Edition" featuring Shana Averbach, LMFT

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, so I've relaunched my "Momma Interviews" series--This time with an extra special set of moms. These mommas also work to support other moms and their families during the transition into new parenthood and beyond. I'm calling it the "Expert Edition," but I think you'll find that while these women definitely are experts in their work, parenthood has a way of making a beginner out of everybody. Even experts get surprised by the unexpected and learn …

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Guest Blog: The Stigma of Maternal Mental Health Keeps Women in The Dark Ages

Written by Mercedes Samudio, LCSW 

The recent coverage of celebrity mothers, like Chrissy Teigen, discussing how they came to discover that the unsettling feelings they experienced after giving birth was called postpartum depression sheds light on an interesting dialogue we need to have with women: becoming a mother is not always going to be a beautifully exciting time in a mother’s life; and that’s okay. The idea that a mother should love her new baby - or even the more seemingly inclusive s…

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Momma Interviews "Expert Edition" featuring Amanda Zaidman

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, so I've relaunched my "Momma Interviews" series--This time with an extra special set of moms. These mommas also work to support other moms and their families during the transition into new parenthood and beyond. I'm calling it the "Expert Edition", but I think you'll find that while these women definitely are experts in their work, parenthood has a way of making a beginner out of everybody. Even experts get surprised by the unexpected and learn …

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Momma Interviews "Expert Edition" featuring Dr. Katayune Kaeni

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, so I've relaunched my "Momma Interviews" series--This time with an extra special set of moms. These mommas also work to support other moms and their families during the transition into new parenthood and beyond. I'm calling it the "Expert Edition," but I think you'll find that while these women definitely are experts in their work, parenthood has a way of making a beginner out of everybody. Even experts get surprised by the unexpected and learn …

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Momma Interviews "Expert Edition": Featuring Arianna Taboada

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, so I've decided to relaunch my "Momma Interviews" series--This time with an extra special set of moms. These mommas also work to support other moms and their families during the transition into new parenthood and beyond. I'm calling it the "Expert Edition," but I think you'll find that while these women definitely are experts in their work, parenthood has a way of making a beginner out of everybody. Even experts get surprised by the unexpected a…

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7 Calming Tips for Tantrums & Meltdowns


There’s possibly nothing worse than an inconsolable little one in the middle of a meltdown. It can be heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time. And if you’re in a public place, it can be downright mortifying at times.


For what it’s worth, momma, EVERY mom has these moments.  


Babies and toddlers don’t care if you’re a celebrity or are on the phone or have already had a rough day. So, don’t feel too bad if it happens in public and don't let it make you feel like a bad parent!

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Letting New Parents Off the Hook: Mommas of 2+ Kids Give You Their Best Hacks & Cut You Some Slack!

Being a new mom is an adjustment.  


OK, that might be an understatement. Sometimes, being a new mom is hard, and scary, and nerve-wracking, exhausting, confusing. Being a new mom can make you question whether you’re even cut out for this. Whether you’re any good at it. Why everything in the book isn’t working. Or, how you surely must be screwing your kid up from the get-go if you don’t do x-y-z right.


Let me tell you: Every single mom has felt this way at some point. You’re not alone…

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How to Deal When Your Baby Hates the Car


Not all of us win the lottery when it comes to kids and car rides. Some parents love driving their babies or kids around because they’re guaranteed to knock out during the ride. Other parents, not so much.  


If your baby screams as if they’re being tortured during any drive or if your toddler gets carsick, I know how traumatic it can feel for you, momma. I have two kids and they are like night and day when it comes to personalities. Their reactions to car rides….also like night and day.…

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Travel Tips for Parents with Little Ones

Since it’s generally Spring Break time for many of us this time of year, I thought I’d focus on some thoughts on traveling with little ones and some hacks to make it easier. Plus, summer is coming, so it can’t hurt to plan ahead for your upcoming summer trips.


First of all, I know that traveling with a little one seems daunting, but really, it’s not so bad. You’ll figure out your own system and your own travel hacks (which I’d love to hear!).


And secondly, just do it. Do it now, whil…

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19+ Smartphone Apps that Make Parenting Easier

Like it or not, we live in a technological age. And, while there are definitely some hazards that come with that, there’s no denying the advantages.  


Since many of us use smartphones anyway these days, I thought it might be helpful to compile a list of apps that might make your life as a parent a bit easier. Now, by no means does anyone necessarily need ALL of the apps listed here. Just pick and choose the ones that suit your lifestyle and discard the rest. And, hopefully, this at least…

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Dear Momma, Your Priorities are Skewed!


Dear Momma,

Your priorities are skewed!

Now, honestly, I mean that in the nicest way. Because if you’ve met me before you know that saying something direct and possibly hurtful is not my style. But I feel like if I don’t tell you, then I can’t continue to sit back and watch you be miserable and continue to let you commiserate.  

Because momma, you are so focused on what isn’t right that you aren’t noticing the positive.

Like the fact that your baby slept through the night. And it's b…

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New Mama Worries, Part 2: How to Know if it's Postpartum Anxiety

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” - Amit Ray


Anxiety sucks.  Anxiety while being a mom really sucks.


One of the things I hear from moms is that they often blame themselves if they feel anxious. As if somehow they are failing as a mom, a partner, or a person if they experience anxiety and motherhood at the same time. Maybe they just weren't cut out for this job.


But NO! That's so not true. The truth is that you do love your sweet b…

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New Mama Worries, Part 1: What's Normal & How to Get Past Your Anxieties

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”   

- Elizabeth Stone

One of the most common concerns I hear from moms both in my practice and in my personal life is the constant worry they feel since bringing their baby home. For many, it starts during pregnancy.  

And, on the one hand, worry makes a lot of sense. We have been entrusted with the fullest of responsibilities--creating and raising a life.  …

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Where to Meet Your Mom Tribe (And, how to actually meet them!)

One of the biggest challenges I hear from moms is how difficult it is to find mom friends. Some even liken it to going out to a bar and hitting on someone, hoping that they like you and want to start hanging out. That doesn't always have the best memories associated with it, does it?  

The fear of rejection is real. And the effort it takes to meet new people can feel daunting or even draining for some of us.

And with all the new demands on our lives as moms after these new little peopl…

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4 Ways to Feel Intimacy When You're All Touched Out

Whether you are pregnant, have a new baby or even an older child, we moms all can feel touched out at certain times in our parenting adventure. I especially hear about this from breastfeeding moms.

If you’ve already been there, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. The baby wants to do nothing but nurse. Or be rocked in your old rocking chair. Or will only sleep if she’s lying on your chest.  The toddler wants to be picked up all the time. Your child is having a clingy phase or a pr…

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Sex After Baby: What's Normal?

“When will we have a sex life again after the baby is born? And will it be any good?”

I hear this a lot from expecting parents, both with the couples I work with and in Facebook groups online. I’d venture to guess there are plenty more that are wondering the same things, but haven’t been brave enough to ask. Every new or expecting parent wants to know what’s normal.

The answer is there is no normal per se.   

(Of course, if you like numbers, you can get statistics here and some more h…

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Quick + Essential: Why Oils Are A Busy Mom's Best Friend (Plus, a Bonus Download!)

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about stress and the brain. In it, I talk about the limbic system (our “reptilian brain” that controls our emotions) and the five main ways to impact its response to stress.  

Of those five ways--aromatics, breath, nature, nervous system and energy work--the fastest way to invoke calm in the limbic part of our brain is by literally following our noses. This is effective because the olfactory nerve--the part of our anatomy that correlates to our sense of sme…

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Need a Time-Out? Try a Meditation App! (I've reviewed them for you!)

When you think of meditation, what do you imagine?  

If I had to guess, I bet you’re picturing something like this:

Sure, looks ideal, right? 

But in a mom’s reality, it probably looks more like this:

Or, it might look even more like this.

That’s totally OK!  We need to let go of that perfect image of zen and realize that we can find a little moment of peace anywhere as long as we know how to do it.

There are so many different ways that you can find some calm in your daily…

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7 Things All Moms Should Know About The Brain to Get Control Over Their Stress

There is nothing quite like motherhood to make you feel like you’ve lost control or that you’ve met your limit, right? Often times, motherhood can feel joyful, meaningful, boring, stressful, exhausting….all in one day.  

I think ideally we’d all like to feel more joy and meaning than stress and exhaustion though. And, thankfully, there are actual things you can do to make sure you feel more ease and can enjoy the positives more. 

In order to understand how to use calming tools for when…

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