

Momma Interviews: Meet Kim

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 

This week's interview comes from a momma who knows, "it takes a village to raise a child." Kim is fortunate enough to have family close and friends who are in the same stages of parenthood and they'…

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Momma Interviews: Meet Michelle Casey

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 


This week's interview is brought to you by military momma, Michelle Casey. Michelle does her best to split the parenting responsibilities with her hubs, a stay-home dad, 50/50. Cheers to this mom…

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Momma Interviews: Meet Brynn G.

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 


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Finding Your Calm

There is so much to be excited about when you're expecting a baby. All the new little outfits and room decorations. Who is this little creature going to be like? Will they have your laugh? Will they have your partner’s knack for numbers? Will they have blue eyes or brown? Will their hair be curly or straight?

And then, they arrive.  And it tends to be less exciting than we imagined. Oftentimes, I hate to say it, but it can even be boring and the tasks mundane.  

We feel like we are more …

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Momma Interviews: Meet Sharon Martin

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 

This week we are hearing from a mother of three, who stopped trying to separate her life as a mom, as a wife, and as a professional and found out how all three can really complement each other!   

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Momma Interviews: Meet Katie Clemons

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 

This week we are hearing from a momma who is learning how to juggle her business with the joys of family in a culture very different from where she grew up! 

I'd like to introduce you to Katie Cl…

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Momma Interviews: Meet Tonya Rocker

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences, and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 

Each week, I've been bringing to you real stories from real mommas that are truly "in the thick of it" with their babies or young children. This week I'm excited because, for the first time in this…

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Momma Interviews: Meet Nicki Brunner

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere.  

This week's Momma is Nicki Brunner, Blogger at MinneMama Adventures. Her interview is full of wit and wisdom.   

How do you balance the mom, work, and relationship roles?

I don't.

Just …

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Momma Interviews: Meet Amanda

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 

This week's momma, Amanda, has so many good nuggets of wisdom to offer. I love her trick for managing overwhelm. And her favorite quote? So perfect.  

How do you balance the mom, work, and relation…

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Momma Interviews, Session 4: Meet Bee

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 

This week's momma asked that I refer to her as Bee. Like her name, this interview is short and sweet, but undoubtedly charming. I love her ability to keep it simple--especially in her advice to ne…

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Momma Interviews, Session 3: Meet Ashley Robillard

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 

This week’s momma is Ashley Robillard. She has three kids with her high school sweetheart and is a Licensed Acupuncturist at Firefly Acupuncture in Plymouth MN. She gives a refreshingly honest self-…

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5 Self-Care Tips for New Moms

Featured on

PsychCentral recently published "5 Self-Care Tips for New Moms", featuring an interview with Catherine O'Brien, LMFT. In it, she gives her best advice on simple, yet crucial ways that any new mom can add in some much-needed "me time" into her day. 

Why prioritize self-care when you have a new little human that needs so much more than you do? Because, as O'Brien states in the article, "If you are tired and stressed out, honor yourself and take some time to ‘fill…

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Momma Interviews, Session 2: Meet Jessica, the Blogging Momma

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 

This week's Momma Interview is with Jessica Flannigan, Editor of and She's a busy work-from-home mom of two boys with some great advice on staying present and weig…

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Momma Interviews, Session 1: Meet Niki, the Minneapolis Momma

The Momma Interviews is a new blog series by Catherine O'Brien, LMFT highlighting the thoughts, experiences and wisdom of a unique real-world mom each week, to normalize and validate the struggles and triumphs that are a part of the universally human experience of motherhood for women everywhere. 

Kicking off our inaugural post in this series, we have Niki, a 35 year old momma of one in Minneapolis, MN. Check out our interview below....

How do you balance the mom, work, and relationship role…

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Confessions of a Marriage Therapist

There is so much we do to prepare for our sweet baby's delivery. But what have you done to prepare for after baby comes home? Watch the video as I share our poor planning for our first child. FYI, it doesn't have to be that way. (Don't have time to watch a the transcript below!)

Watch Here:

It's been six years since that fateful day; the day that I think really changed so much for me and the way I look at things and the …

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1st Grade?? How did THAT happen?

Life transitions seems to be happening everywhere.  

I have friends who kids are off to college, someone I know is getting ready for retirement, some are welcoming new job positions, new babies, a new sibling added to the the mix. And then, there is the new school year. So many kids have already started. My son started back 2 weeks ago, but this week is is first full week--he's in 1st grade. 1ST GRADE!!!!!! How in the world is that even possible? I don’t know.  

And, though there are times…

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Children & Change: What our kids can teach us about resilience and fun


We’re moving.

Well, hopefully, we’re moving. We’re putting our house on the market.

I told my husband last night that I’m scared of not knowing exactly what is to come. I’m sad that this part of our life is ending, but also excited to see what this new phase brings us.

I’m not sure what’s going to happen. What our next house is going to look like, if it will be set up the way I want, or whether we will have to adjust any expectations we are trying not to have. While my overwhelming feelin…

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Mommy Monday with Cat


 Starting a weekly series for the rest of May. These are just quick interviews with different mommas (a different 1 or 2, each week).  

What I love about them, is that they are all amazing moms with different answers.  

Not one is better than the other.     

They are perfect examples of how different and unique we all are, but wonderful just the same.

Watch Here:


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Happy Mother's Day to All Mommas!

To all the mothers, moms, mommies, mamas, mommas, grandmothers etc. Happy Mother’s Day!

To the mom that has lost your child too soon, Happy Mother’s Day!

To the mom that has adopted her child(ren), Happy Mother’s Day!

To the foster mom, Happy Mother’s Day!

To the aunt that is also a mom, Happy Mother’s Day!

To the grandmother that is also a mom, Happy Mother’s Day!

To the mom who is missing her own mom, Happy Mother's Day!

To the mom that is still yearning to bring a baby home, Happy…

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