The Perfect Father's Day Gift

Happy Father’s Day!
Yes, I’m talking to you.
I just wanted you to know that we do notice all the things you do. We might not always say thank you or acknowledge your support. Your encouragement. Your fun and crazy ways. But we do appreciate you.
We know that you make this parenting job easier.
We know that our children adore you. We know that your ways are different, but that’s perfectly alright because no 2 people are alike and our children will encounter all sort of differences in people.
We know that sometimes we get frustrated with the things you do, or don’t do, but often times it is our own frustration with ourselves because we weren’t clear with what we needed.
And you’re right! We do get jealous when you go out with your friends and take time for yourself. Not because we don’t think you deserve it (believe me, we know you not only deserve it, but you need it), but because we’re jealous that it is so easy for you to do. As you’re well aware, we’ve got the “mommy guilt” thing going on and would love to believe that it’s better for the family if we do things for ourselves too. Thank you for modeling that for us.
Thank you for coming in when our patience is running out and supporting our parenting decisions to the children.
Thank you for noticing when we need a break and taking the kids out for a walk or bike ride so we can take care of things in the house or catch a quick nap.
Thank you for helping us prep the house and food when we decide it would be fun to have other families over.
Thank you for helping us clean up when they leave and there is an even bigger mess. Thank you for pointing out all the fun we had and reminding us why we thought it would be a good idea to begin with
Thank you for showing our children how to make sure to take care of their things. How to clean up. How to put things away.
Thank you for showing our children how to love unconditionally. How to make up after a disagreement. How to treat other people respectfully.
We do notice those times you’re tired after work, but you rally and make time to play with the children, to help with dinner, and help get them ready for bed.
For that and so many other times we are thankful. We are grateful. And we are reminded how happy we are to be parenting partners with you. To know that even though it isn’t always easy we are glad to be doing this with you.
Happy Father’s Day today. Happy Father’s Day everyday.
And a special shout out to the amazing father that my sweet children call Daddy! Thank you for being everything a mother could hope for her children. Thank you for being my perfect partner. I love you!!
Are you ready to give your partner the perfect father's day gift? Give him public and private acknowledgment today. Share this to his page, write your own version, or print it out and tuck it in his father's day card.

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